Pia Kim
front-end developer

Educate Together Organization

Joining East & West as Educational Liasons (JEWEL) is a nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to promoting a mutual understanding for world cultures and methods of education. The website highlights the organization's long history of educational and cultural achievements and various collaborative programs and projects.

Built with:
  • Next.js
  • Vercel
  • Sanity
  • Tailwind
  • Framer Motion
Educate Together Organization
Educate Together Organization


Educate Together is a nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to fostering educational and cultural exchanges between the U.S. and Korea. Through educational programs, it is committed to promoting a mutual understanding for world cultures and methods of education.

The main purpose of this site was to put out information that highlights the history of the organization and the the director's work, rather than focusing on the need for sponsors or donations (that would be the next step).